Here is a sample lesson from our Fierce summer series. Bible: Proverbs 28:1; Hebrews 11:1; Romans 8:17; James 2:14-19. Bottom Line: When you know who you are in Christ, you become bold and fearless in
your faith.
Fierce is one of 39 series in the 3 Year Youth Bundle. Scroll down for details.
Save 93% on 3 years and $1,441 worth of youth ministry lessons and games!
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Save 93% on 3 years and $1,441 worth of youth ministry lessons and games!
The bundle goes live on Tuesday, March 15 at 12pm Eastern, 9am Pacific and ends on Wednesday, March 23 at 11:59pm Eastern, 8:59pm Pacific.
Everything in the bundle is an instant download. You'll be automatically emailed a link to download the resources.
The resources in the bundle are meant to be used with junior high and high school students.
Below is an overview of what's in the bundle.
Shook: This 4-week Easter youth ministry series teaches students how Jesus' life, death, and resurrection disrupted the world and changed the course of history.
Look Again: A 4-week Easter series that encourages students to take a look at the deeper meaning of the events surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection.
The Easter Story: A 4-week in depth study of the Easter story.
Summer in the Psalms: This 8-week summer series on the book of Psalms studies passages you can turn to throughout your life to help give voice to your feelings.
Fierce: This 8-week summer series encourages students to follow Jesus with boldness and confidence.
No Bummer Summer: This 4-week summer series reminds students that they don’t have to pack up and go somewhere to have the best summer ever.
Sink or Swim: This 4-week series teaches students all about making good decisions over the summer.
Tik Tok: This 4-week series uses the popular TikTok app as a launchpad to point students to the truth of scripture when facing trials, seeking popularity, experiencing drama with friends, and influencing those around them.
Ephesians: This 8-week series teaches students principles and lessons from the book of Ephesians.
Counter Culture: This 4-week series shows students how Jesus teaches a better way of life that often seems opposite to our culture.
Perfectly Imperfect: This 4-week series reminds students that even our "heroes of the faith" shared the same struggles they have today.
Choices: This 4-week series teaches students about making the right choices every day.
Gone Fishing: This 4-week series invites students to follow Jesus and become fishers of men.
Dwell: This 4-week series teaches students about dwelling in God's Word.
Finsta: This 4-week series helps students find their true identity in Christ and is accompanied by a one-hour Escape Room event.
Jesus’ Parables: This 4-week series encourages teens to look at Jesus' parables in a new and different way.
Set Apart: This 4-week series teaches students about being holy, or “set apart,” in order to identify with Him and to be different from the world.
1 Timothy 4:12: This 4-week series teaches students about how God uses teenagers and those who don't feel like they can measure up to do amazing things!
Book of John: This 4-week series takes an in-depth look at the ministry, miracles, life, and death of Jesus.
Unexpected: This 4-week series teaches students to learn from the twists and turns of life.
Enough: This 4-week series teaches students to be content and find joy in every situation through their relationship with God.
You And Me: This 4-week series teaches students about relationships – personal, family, friendships, and God.
Weights: This 4-week series teaches students how to become stronger by recognizing what’s holding them back.
Forever Changed: This 4-week series teaches students about the transformation and ministry of the apostle Paul.
Lead: This 4-week series teaches teens how to be leaders.
Big Dreams: This 4-week series teaches students lessons from the dreams of Joseph, Solomon, Nebuchadnezzar, and Daniel.
Final Words: This 4-week series teaches students about the final words of four men in the Bible and the impact they made on history.
Back to School
Better Than Basic: This 4-week back-to-school series helps students discover that how they view themselves and others will set the tone for the new school year.
Community: This 4-week back-to-school series explores our God-given need to live in community with others.
Start Here: This 4-week back-to-school series teaches students about living full of faith every day.
Born: This 4-week Christmas series helps students understand the impact of Jesus’ birth on the world.
The Arrival: This 4-week Christmas series explores the traditions of Advent that can make our Christmas celebrations more meaningful.
Believe: This 4-week Christmas series encourages students to have strong faith at Christmastime and beyond. This series explores how those who were part of the Christmas story exercised extraordinary faith.
New Year's
Meant For More: This 5-week New Year’s series helps students discover that God’s plan for their lives exceeds what they could ever imagine.
Goodbye Past, Hello Future: This 4-week New Year’s series encourages students to let go of their past and look forward to what God has in store for the future.
This Year I Will: This 4-week New Year’s series encourages students to make commitments to their friends, family, faith, and future.
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My name is Nick Diliberto, and I have 20+ years experience in various children's and youth ministry leadership roles. I live in San Diego, and enjoy surfing, hiking, walking, riding my bike and spending time with my wife, Jena, and three kids: Ethan (20), Joey (18) & Emma (16).
I launched my first church ministry resource company in 2008, and in 2014 launched Ministry to Youth. Ministry to Youth now reaches over 80,000 youth ministry leaders per month from around the world with lessons, games, and other resources.
Our goal is to save youth ministry leaders time & money by creating year long curriculum, bundles, teaching series, Bible studies & games.
The 3 Year Bundle is one way we do that.
Have a question? Email Nancy at and she'll be happy to help you.
View our statement of faith here. All our lessons are theologically broad enough for all church denominations (and non-denominations). We stay central to the core truths of Christianity and don't focus on denominational differences.
EVERYTHING IS DOWNLOADABLE. After purchase, you'll be directed to the download page and get an email that includes a link to download all the resources. Feel free to share the download link with volunteers. The bundle is only available as a downloadable product.
FOR YOUTH MINISTRY. The lessons and games included in the bundle are written for 6th-12th graders.
LESSONS AND GAMES COME IN PDF & WORD format so you can edit as needed and share with volunteers.
SERIES ARTWORK includes cover image for promotional use and blank text image for making your own presentation slides.
LESSONS include a fun opening game, creative teaching, and engaging small group discussion questions. Although the lessons aren't meant to be read word for word (we encourage you to make it your own), included is a detailed script for leaders to follow.
ALL OUR RESOURCES ARE WRITTEN BY YOUTH LEADERS like you who have a heart to see God move in the lives of students.
OUR STUFF IS TOP NOTCH. We don't just throw together an outline and sell it to you. Our writers take a lot of time and effort creating quality youth ministry resources that are jam packed with more than enough teaching material. Furthermore, we have a top notch team consisting of writers, editors, graphic designers, customer support, etc.
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"I enjoy purchasing series from Ministry to Youth for my students. The lessons give me a great base to build from or just use what is there if I am in a pinch. The graphics are top notch and games are provided if that's your ministry model. Always great stuff!!" - Brad Boucher
"The outlines, lessons, artwork with these weekly sessions are truly a God send for those of us with full time "other than ministry" obligations yet wanting more for our students each week. Thank you for such quality products at very affordable costs." - Kevin Hale
"Our youth ministry has recently been using their material and it's been wonderful. Great lesson plans which are biblically sound. Good game ideas, great artwork. So blessed by your ministry. Thank you!" - Vidush Athyal
"I love the lessons from Ministry to Youth. It takes the stress out of preparing a lesson and gives me more time to focus on our students." - Jessica Lewis
"This was our first purchase and I can’t wait to start using this on Sunday mornings! Takes a lot of pressure off of us for prepping each week and it is very spot on for the circumstances we are living through currently. Thanks for the special offer!!" - Libby Allen
"This has helped me so much with ministering to the Youth in our Church. The games before the lessons are easy and great to do and the lessons are to the point. It has made my life as a new Youth leader so much easier and our youth are loving it. I would recommend to anyone. It is worth the price!" - Aline Rodrigues
"We have a group of around 10. These lessons let us interact with our youth. We teach, they talk, and everyone walks away knowing more about Jesus. I love that if I wanted to, I could hand the lesson to a leader and they could have a great night with almost no prep." - Heather Lennox
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REFUND POLICY: Refund or store credit is available up to 48 hours after purchase at our sole discretion.