Easter is approaching and we’re so excited to share these NEW youth ministry resources with you!
Check out our full Easter collection HERE.
I AM | This new 4-week Easter series explores the character of Jesus and how His death and resurrection impacted humanity.
NEW | This new 4-week Easter series teaches students about how Jesus makes all things new.
12 NEW EASTER GAMES | In this new game pack, you get 12 Easter-themed games. Each game is based on a topic and followed up with a lesson. These exciting games are a great addition to your weekly programming and special events and can be added to an upcoming lesson, event, small group time, mid-week service, message, etc.
EASTER | This new 4-week Easter junior high series teaches about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
RISE | This new 4-week Easter series teaches preteens about the life, death & resurrection of Jesus.
Check out our full Easter Collection HERE!