Below is our collection of fun and free Bible lessons for kids. Use them for Sunday school lessons or children’s ministry lessons for elementary ages. Each lesson includes a fun game that connects to the main idea.

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Here’s the list of our free bible lessons for kids:

Christmas – A fun Christmas object lesson, based on Matthew 1:23, on how Jesus is named Immanuel, which means “God is with us”.

Anger – Bible: James 1:19-20. Bottom Line: I should be slow to anger, because godly desires, thoughts, and decisions don’t grow out of human anger!

Courage – Bible: 1 Corinthians 16:13. Bottom Line: God will give you the courage you need every day. When you’re a kid, many of your fears are irrational. As grown-ups, we conquer those fears as we discover that there are no monsters under our bed or in the closet, and that thunderstorms are mostly just noise and not as scary as they sound. For kids, it takes a lot to muster up the courage to face your fears.

Creation – Bible:  Colossians 1:15-16. Bottom Line:  Jesus made all things for himself – including you!

David and Goliath – Bible:  1 Samuel 17:4-7, 1 Samuel 17:32-37, 1 Samuel 17:41-51. Bottom Line:  Courage comes by knowing God and trusting Him.

Doing the Right Thing – Bible:  Galatians 6:9-10. Bottom Line:  Do good to everyone and don’t give up!

Easter – Bible: Luke 23:33-34. Bottom Line: Jesus died on the cross for all of us—even the ones who persecuted Him.

Fruit of the Spirit – Bible: Galatians 5:22-23. Bottom Line:  You can ask God to work in your heart and mind to produce the Fruit of the Spirit in you. 

Gentleness – Bible: Colossians 3:12. Bottom Line:  God is gentle with us, and we can be gentle with others too. 

God’s Faithfulness – Bible: Psalm 119:90. Bottom Line: God is faithful to us and we can depend on him.

Good Samaritan – Bible: Luke 10:30-37. Bottom Line: Be kind to everyone. Kids learn how to read and write, but often we assume they will naturally develop skills like kindness and empathy. Some children have a hard time putting themselves in other people’s shoes or knowing how to be kind.

Goodness – Bible: Psalm 23:6. Bottom Line: God is never going to leave you or quit loving you, because His love never fails—God doesn’t give up on you.

Halloween – Bible: Psalm 34:4. Bottom Line: When you are afraid, God can take away your fear.

Jealousy – Bible: Galatians 5:25-26. Bottom Line: When you’re grateful for what you have, you won’t compare yourself to others. Jealousy is counting another’s blessings instead of your own. While most adults know how awful envy feels, it can be difficult for children to handle their feelings of jealousy.

Jesus Calms the Storm (Peace) – Bible: Matthew 8:23-27. Bottom Line: Real peace can only come from God. God’s peace goes beyond what is evident on the outside; He gives us peace within. Real peace from God isn’t based on what’s going on around us. It comes in trusting that God is in control of everything, and He will take care of us.

Joy – Bible: Psalm 98:4. Big idea: When you think about how much God loves you, you become thankful, and that thankfulness can produce joy.

Kindness – Bible: Psalm 145:17. Bottom Line:  God is filled with kindness. 

Love – Bible: 1 Corinthians 13:6. The Big Idea: Demonstrating true love means you show mercy and grace to the people in your life who you feel don’t deserve it.

Obedience – Bible: Jonah 1:1-3a. Bottom Line: We should be obedient to God because He knows what’s best for us.

Patience – Bible: Ephesians 4:2. Bottom Line: Patience means showing others the kind of love that God has for us.

Peace – Bible: 1 Peter 3:11. Bottom Line: The entire world is searching for true peace that can only come from God.

Prayer – Bible: Philippians 4:6-7. Bottom Line: When we need peace we can pray to God! 

Self-Control – Bible: Proverbs 25:28. Bottom Line: With God’s help, you can have self-control.

St. Patrick’s Day – Bible: Jeremiah 29:11. Bottom Line: God’s plan for our lives isn’t dependent on luck. He is in control.

Temptation – Bible: Matthew 26:41, 1 Corinthians 10:13. Bottom Line: The best way to avoid falling into temptation is to watch and pray. God wants us to resist temptation, so He will always provide a way out.

The Vine and the Branches – Bible: John 15:1-5. Bottom Line: If we want to live a life pleasing to God and serve Him effectively, we need to stay connected to Jesus, following Him closely.

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