If you’re looking to launch or grow a side hustle online, this is for you. I once had that idea too. What started as a side project eventually became my full-time thing, then blew up now equipping 80,000+ church leaders a month from around the world.
But it didn’t happen overnight.
I first want to share my story with you. Then, I’ve got something really exciting (and free) to share with you.
Let’s rewind back to 2007…
For 9 years, I had been a youth and children’s ministry leader at my church. I was in full-time ministry and loved my job! I was amazed to see God move in the lives of so many kids, students, and volunteers. It was my passion and mission in life.
But at home, we were experiencing financial problems. Jena felt strongly she needed to be a full-time mom, which meant I was the one who needed to provide for us financially. But my full-time church income was not nearly enough. At first, it was, but in less than 5 years, I went from being single to married with 3 young kids. My income just couldn’t keep up with all of our needs.
I was 31 years old and often relied on my dad’s help, and once even went into debt to buy groceries, gas, and diapers. It was an awful feeling. I felt inadequate as a husband and father.
Something needed to change. But what? How?
I had this idea, which had been with me for years, to create digital resources for preteen ministry leaders. This idea came out of a burning desire to serve church leaders and a need to make additional money.
This crazy idea just wouldn’t go away, so I went for it. I had no time, no business experience, no money, and no clue how to create curriculum. But I somehow figured it all out.
The first few years were really hard. I put a massive amount of time and energy into the business without much to show for it. I almost hit a breaking point multiple times.
If only I had an experienced mentor to walk me through the process of launching a business online, it would have made all the difference in the world.
Despite a slow start, after a couple of years, the business started to do well. I eventually jumped into running it full-time, and then in 2014, I launched Ministry to Youth. Shortly after that, I finally found a mentor/coach… and it was a game-changer.
His name is Jeff Walker. Using his principles, our team was able to launch and significantly grow Ministry to Youth to what it is today:
- 12,000+ customers from around the world
- 80,000 website visitors per month
- 120,000+ email subscribers
- 35,000 followers on Facebook
More important than those “stats” is the fact we help church leaders more effectively point students to Jesus. So, behind every customer, website visitor, etc is a youth group being impacted by what we do. Pretty cool.
If I had found Jeff back in 2007, I could have grown my side hustle much much faster. The good news is… you can!
He is doing a free LIVE “Launch Masterclass” starting this Friday, all about launching an online business without being slimy, creating a product or online course, how to build an audience, etc.
I promise, if you’re considering launching a business or a side hustle online… this free masterclass is well worth it. These live trainings will teach you:
- How to create an online business in WEEKS instead of years, and make it successful right from the start (this one is super-timely right now).
- What you HAVE to avoid when sharing your message.
- Why focusing on creating the perfect product can destroy your business before you even get started (I know this sounds strange… but it’s so true).
If you’re even slightly curious about launching a new business, side hustle, or product… this is for you. Or if you already have something, but need help growing it, this is for you.
GO HERE to sign up for Jeff’s free LIVE training starting this Friday.
– Nick Diliberto, Ministry to Youth
P.S. – I was a little nervous about posting this because I don’t want to be misunderstood. I’m letting you know about Jeff because his principles led to significant growth for my company. I want to help anyone out there who was where I was back in 2007 – trying to launch a side hustle but needing some help. And for those who want to get better and faster results than I did in the beginning. Jeff does an amazing job of delivering a tremendous amount of value in his live training: