Here is a free children’s Bible lesson on creation based Colossians 1:15-16.
Big Idea: Jesus made all things for himself – including you!
Includes a fun opening game to set up the lesson.
Looking for children’s ministry curriculum? Check out the…
ONE YEAR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CURRICULUM, VOL 1 – Save 72% on one year of children’s ministry curriculum for 1st-5th grade helping kids fall in love with Jesus and discover what it means to follow him!
Bible: Colossians 1:15-16
Bottom Line: Jesus made all things for himself – including you!
- Assortment of art supplies and other creative materials that will allow kids to create things from scratch (paper and crayons, pipe cleaners, Play-Doh, Legos, and other creative materials)
- List of things the kids can create
With the kids seated on the floor or at a table, distribute the creative materials randomly to the kids.
Try to have a balanced number of each kind of creative material in the room. Several kids should have paper and crayons, several should have pipe cleaners, several should have Play Doh, etc.
Generally speaking, it would be wise to assign specific creative materials to the kids rather than letting them choose which materials they want to use.
A list of things for the kids to create is included in the “How To Play The Game” section below, though you may consider coming up with your own list.
Older kids especially may find it more enjoyable to try to create more complex creations.
Say: Today we’re talking about creation, so we’re going to get creative!
In a moment you’re going to try to create a masterpiece using only the materials in front of you.
Some of you will be drawing, others of you will be building, others of you will be sculpting, and others of you might be creating in some other way.
We’ll be creating several different masterpieces in the next few minutes, so if you’re drawing on paper you may not want to draw too big so that you have room for other pictures later.
Ask: Any questions?
Give them an opportunity to ask questions.
Say: Okay, I think we’re ready to create. First, I want you to create a dog.
Give them time to create. Let them show off their dogs.
Say: Next, I want you to create a flower.
Give them time to create. TLet them show off their flowers.
Say: Next, I want you to create a slice of pizza.
Give them time to create. TLet them show off their slices of pizza.
Say: Last, I want you to create a guitar.
Give them time to create. TLet them show off their guitars.
Ask: What did you find challenging about creating your masterpieces?
Give them a chance to respond.
What did you think of the material that you used to create?
Give them a chance to respond.
Would you rather have used another material? Which one?
Give them a chance to respond.
Say: Besides having some fun, one of the reasons we did this activity was to realize that when humans create things it is very different from the way God can create things.
Human beings can only create things using the materials they are given. We create using crayons and Legos and Play-Doh, for example.
We can also create things out of dirt and stone and steel and other materials.
But God can create in a way humans can’t. He doesn’t need to start with any materials at all – He can create something from nothing!
Unfortunately we can make some serious messes when we get creative, so let’s clean up our mess together as we get ready to learn more about creation.
Ask: Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be a character in your favorite TV show or movie?
If you could jump into any TV show or movie and actually meet the other characters, which one would you pick and why?
Give the kids an opportunity to answer.
Say: It’s amazing to think that each of the shows and movies that we enjoy were created by people just like you and me.
Think about a superhero movie, for example.
Someone had to give that superhero a name, decide what powers they should have, and invent a villain for them to fight against.
Now imagine that the villain became too powerful – so powerful in fact that the superhero could no longer stop them – so the person who created the story stepped into the story in order to save the hero!
Wouldn’t that be wild?
Well, the Bible tells us that Jesus has done that very thing for us!
Read Colossians 1:15-16.
“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” (Colossians 1:15-16 NIV)
Ask: Who is “the Son” that’s talked about in this passage?
Give the kids a chance to answer.
Say: That’s right, it’s Jesus!
Everything that we can see, and much of what we can’t, is what we would call “creation.” Creation includes everything from planets to people, from galaxies to grapes, and from stars to sea otters.
What are some other cool things that God has created?
Give the kids a chance to answer.
But where did all of these things come from?
In the passage we read a few moments ago, we were told that everything was created through and for Jesus! That means Jesus created our universe and that everything in the universe belongs to Him, because Jesus is God in the flesh!
So when Jesus came to earth to rescue us from our sins, it was a really big deal. He wasn’t just another prophet or an ordinary person, he was the Creator stepping into the creation!
Ask: But why did he do this? Why would the Creator step into the story of our world?
Give the kids a chance to respond.
Say: The biggest reason God stepped into our story is because he saw that we needed a hero!
We weren’t able to save ourselves from death or sin, so our creator stepped in to make a way for us to get to heaven and to have a relationship with God.
Ask: And how did He do that?
Give them a chance to respond.
Say: That’s right, by dying on the cross for our sins!
So when you look at all that Jesus created, be amazed that He is so strong and so wise that He could create all of this!
And when you think of Jesus, be grateful that He came into the story in order to save us – and trust Him!
(End Lesson)
Looking for children’s ministry curriculum? Check out the…
ONE YEAR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CURRICULUM, VOL 1 – Save 72% on one year of children’s ministry curriculum for 1st-5th grade helping kids fall in love with Jesus and discover what it means to follow him!
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