Here’s a free Bible lesson for kids in 1st-5th grade on Gentleness, based on Colossians 3:12.
Big idea: God is gentle with us, and we can be gentle with others too.
Includes a fun opening game to set up the lesson.
Looking for children’s ministry curriculum? Check out the…
ONE YEAR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CURRICULUM, VOL 1 – Save 72% on one year of children’s ministry curriculum for 1st-5th grade helping kids fall in love with Jesus and discover what it means to follow him!

Bible: Colossians 3:12
Bottom Line: God is gentle with us, and we can be gentle with others too.
• Blindfold
• 2 Newspapers
• 2 Empty Paper Towel Rolls
Divide students into two teams of equal size.
Give each team one newspaper and have them form as many paper balls as possible (any size).
Make sure they create at least 30-50 balls per team.
They will believe that they are creating paper balls for their team, but they are actually making them for the other team.
Have each team choose one person to be their team’s “Treasure Guarder” and give them a paper towel roll and a blindfold.
The Treasure Guarder will sit on the floor and their team will put all of their team’s paper balls around the Treasure Guarder.
Say: You have done a really great job creating paper balls for your teams, but like most of our games, there’s a twist!
I would like each of your team’s Treasure Guarders to switch places.
Although you thought you were creating balls for your team, they were actually for the other team.
Now that we have that straightened out, I can tell you how to play the game.
The Treasure Guarder for each team will put the blindfold on and sit in the middle of the paper balls.
When I say, “Go,” your team will go, one at a time, to the other team’s pile of paper and attempt to take a paper ball.
The Treasure Guarder, who is blindfolded, will listen carefully for the person who is trying to sneak away with one of their paper balls.
If they hear you, they can try and tag you with the paper towel roll that they are holding.
If you can get a paper ball and return to your team without being tagged, then you will get a point for retrieving that ball.
If you are tagged, you are out for the rest of the game.
The goal is to snatch as many paper balls as possible from the other team.
The team with the most paper balls at the end of the game is the winner.
Say: In our game, you had to be as quiet as possible to avoid the Treasure Guarder hearing you or being able to sense you were near them.
You had to be very careful.
Sometimes it’s hard to be quiet…or careful…or gentle.
Ask: Have you ever held a newborn baby before? What did that experience feel like?
Allow a few responses from students.
One thing you may have been told when you were holding the baby was, “Be gentle.”
Or if you are holding something that is valuable and your parents want you to be careful, they might say, “Be gentle.”
Gentle means you aren’t aggressive or pushy, but instead, you are extra careful.
In the Bible, we read that gentleness is one of the qualities that should be seen in our lives as we follow Jesus.
Read Colossians 3:12.
“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
Ask: It’s easy to understand why it’s important to be kind, humble, patient, and show mercy, but how do we show gentleness with other people?
Allow a few responses from students.
To be gentle means we don’t just say what we’re feeling at the moment.
For example, if your older brother has really smelly breath, you don’t just say “You smell totally disgusting!” in from of everyone.
Maybe you don’t say anything at all or find a way to let him know without embarrassing him.
Being gentle means that you really think about what to say before you say it.
Ask: Can you think of a time or situation when you might need to say something that is gentle, instead of what you would just normally say?
Allow a few responses from students.
Think about this: God is gentle with us.
He doesn’t strike us down with lightning when we do the wrong things.
He isn’t pushy, but He helps us when we ask Him too.
And He speaks to us in a still, small, quiet voice.
God is gentle.
The next time you become frustrated with someone else and want to lash out, remember that God doesn’t do that to us when we frustrate Him.
Ask God to help you be gentle with others, and then you might notice that others become gentler with you too.
End Lesson
Looking for children’s ministry curriculum? Check out the…
ONE YEAR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CURRICULUM, VOL 1 – Save 72% on one year of children’s ministry curriculum for 1st-5th grade helping kids fall in love with Jesus and discover what it means to follow him!

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