Here’s a free Bible lesson for kids in 1st-5th grade on God’s Faithfulness, based on Psalm 119:90.

Big idea: God is faithful to us and we can depend on him.

Includes a fun opening game to set up the lesson.


Looking for children’s ministry curriculum? Check out…

GRATITUDE – In this brand new series for 1st-5th grade, children learn all about how they can be grateful because of what God has done for them.
Kids will will learn about about God’s great might, goodness & love; being thankful in all circumstances; and God’s greatest gift – His grace that came through Jesus.


Big idea: God is faithful to us and we can depend on him.

Bible: Psalm 119:90


• Pack of Styrofoam Plates

• A Cone (or some form of “marker”)

• Sharpie (any color)

• List of Actions


Number two sets of four Styrofoam plates by using a Sharpie to write a number on each: 1-2-3 4.

Hold on to the plates until the game begins.

Divide kids into two teams of equal size and ask them to form single file lines. You will need a designated space to use throughout the game.

Designate a starting place where all the teams will line up.

Then, choose a place about 10-feet in front of the starting point and use the cone to mark it.


• Hop like a bunny.

• Jump on one foot.

• Skip!

• Make a super silly face.

• Walk slowly.

• Do jumping jacks across the plates.

• Clap your hands really fast.

• Walk like a spider.

• Slither like a snake.

• Walk like a chicken.


Say: When I look around this room, I see a group of really talented kids!

Each of you has things you’re really good at, and probably some things you aren’t as good at—we all do!

We’re going to play a game that highlights some of your talents.

When I say, “Go,” I will hand a set of 4 plates to the student at the front of each team’s line.

That person will toss the plates, one at a time, onto the ground trying to create a path from the place they are standing to the cone.

Next, you will follow your plate path to the cone, tag the cone, and then quickly pick up the plates and take them back to your team.

Now, it would be really easy if I just had you walk across the plates and bring them back to the next person in line, but that’s not what we’re going to do.

I have a list of actions that I will read before each person takes their turn.

For example, I might say, “Hop like a frog.”

So, when you receive the stack of plates, you will toss them down and then hop like a frog across the plates to the other side.

Here’s a twist—if you don’t lay the plates down in the correct number order, you will still have to numerically follow the plate path.

That might mean your winding path will take you a little longer to get to the cone.

The first team to have all of their teammates finish the race is the winner!


Say: I knew all of you were really talented.

That was a lot of fun to watch!

It might have been difficult to perform some of those actions, but if you practiced, you might get better at it.

It takes faithfulness and dedication to get better at something.

And that’s what we’re going to talk about for a minute—what it means to be faithful. Say: When your grandparents and great grandparents were young, there was something called, “customer loyalty.”

If they liked shopping at a store and had a good experience there, they would be loyal to buying things from that store—and only that store.

Why? Because the way they showed they were happy with the store was by giving them all of their business.

In our time, customer loyalty is almost non-existent.

We go wherever we can get the best deals.

Suppose you have a favorite video game store, but you can order the same games off of Amazon at a much cheaper price.

Which will you choose?

You’d probably buy it from Amazon!

Here’s another word that is similar that I want us to talk about: Faithfulness.

Faithfulness is similar to loyalty, but it’s a little different.

Ask: What do you think it means to be “faithful” in something?

Allow a few responses from students.

Read Psalm 119:90:

“Your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth you created. Along with all of the other things we know about God—He’s kind, gentle, patient, loving, and the list goes on—He is also faithful to us.”

This Bible verse says that God’s faithfulness extends to EVERY generation.

When we read about the amazing things God did in the Old Testament, we might think, “I wish God still did those things.”

But, He is just as faithful now as He was back then.

And He will be faithful to everyone who comes after us—to EVERY generation.

The end of that verse says that God’s faithfulness is as enduring as the earth.

The earth has been around for quite a while, and the human race needs the earth in order for us to keep existing.

God’s faithfulness has never changed.

He is always loyal to us and we can depend on Him.

In the Bible, we read that God will never leave us no matter what.

That promise may be thousands of years old, but because God is faithful, we know He still feels that way.

The Bible also says that God loves us—He always has and He always will.

We can believe that because He is faithful to His Word.

In our world, people may not be loyal and faithful, but God is faithful to us. He is the Creator of the entire universe and He will be faithful until the end of time.

End Lesson

Looking for children’s ministry curriculum? Check out…

GRATITUDE – In this brand new series for 1st-5th grade, children learn all about how they can be grateful because of what God has done for them.
Kids will will learn about about God’s great might, goodness & love; being thankful in all circumstances; and God’s greatest gift – His grace that came through Jesus.

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