During the Christmas season, many students long for peace because they don’t have it in their hearts and minds.

The stress and/or boredom of the holidays often brings out anxiety, fear, depression, and loneliness that they feel year-round.

Use this game, based on Ephesians 2:14, to help students realize that Christ has already brought the peace that they seek. All they have to do is accept it.

Hope you have a peaceful day 🙂

– Nick Diliberto, Ministry to Youth

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Bible: Ephesians 2:14 (NLT)


• Cups (red Solo cups are the best because they’re strong & sturdy)
• Table
• Christmas music


For this game, you will need cups for each player and an ample gameplay space.

Set up a table at one end of your gameplay space.

Divide students into two teams of equal size (or more if you have a larger group).

Give each of the players a cup.

Feel free to play Christmas music while the students play the game.


Say: I have a brand-new game that I think all of you will enjoy!

Granted, it will temporarily put our group at “war” with each other, but it will be a lot of fun.

Give every player on one team a cup.

I need everyone with a cup to put one of your hands on your hip.

Then, make a fist with the other hand, put it up in the air, and place your cup on top of it.

When I say “Go,” the team without cups snatches them from the other team, runs to the table with the cups and builds a pyramid. Time the team from the moment you say “go” to the pyramid is built.

Then, the teams switch roles. The team that builds the pyramid the quickest wins that round. Play several rounds as time allows.

When the game is over, tally the points and declare a winner.


Say: I think we should go ahead a call a “truce” from our cup war.

That was a great game, but if we had continued playing, it could have become more intense.

As humans, we crave peace and feel uncomfortable with turmoil and unrest.

Since sin entered the world, God has desired a peaceful relationship with us.

The word, “peace,” is mentioned in all but one New Testament book.

It’s a central theme in Christianity.

When the angels appeared to the shepherds out in the field, they declared, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

Their message was straight from God and again expressed His desire for peace be-tween God and man.

Read Ephesians 2:14.

For Christ himself has brought peace to us.

He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us.

During the Christmas season, many people long for peace because they don’t have it in their hearts and minds.

The stress of the holidays often brings out anxiety, fear, desperation, and loneliness that people feel year-round.

Some look at everything that is happening in the world and only see the bad that’s happening instead of seeing all of the wonderful things God has done.

They do not realize that Christ has already brought the peace that they seek and all they have to do is accept it.

As Christians who already have peace with God through a relationship with Him, we still might struggle with anxiety and stress.

There are two things you can do this Christmas season that will help you experience the peace God has for you: be grateful and focus on God.

When we take time to give thanks for all God has done, it moves our eyes from our problems to God’s goodness.

You can also make it a point to focus on God.

The holidays can be so busy that we forget who it’s all about—Jesus.

Remind yourself that Christmas is about Jesus coming to earth to provide salvation for mankind.

When can you focus on God?

Every time you hear a Christmas carol, let the meaning of the words come to life.

Whenever you receive a gift, remember the gift of salvation that God has given to you.

How can you focus on God?

Make the holida ys about others instead of about what you will receive or enjoy this Christmas season.

Opportunities to carry peace to others are all around us.

Be grateful and focus on God this Christmas and see if it doesn’t bring a little more peace to you amongst all of the hustle and bustle.


Looking for youth ministry curriculum? Check out the…

2024 BACK TO SCHOOL BUNDLE – Save 77% on $426 worth of youth ministry lessons and games for back to school and beyond.


  1. KELLI
    • December 10, 2019

    I had the same question!

    Reply 1 Response
    1. Kristy Preston
      • December 10, 2019

      Each team will get a turn at grabbing the Solo cups. The team with the Solo cup will place it on their fist and then put the other hand on their hip. They stay in this position while the other team steals the cups and places them on the table. Then the other team gets turn to try and get the Solo cups after that round.

  2. Kristy Preston
    • December 10, 2019

    Each team will get a turn at grabbing the Solo cups. The team with the Solo cup will place it on their fist and then put the other hand on their hip. They stay in this position while the other team steals the cups and places them on the table. Then the other team takes a turn with the Solo cups after that round.

  3. Kristy Preston
    • December 10, 2019

    With their free hand they grab the opposing teams cup and run to the table to build the pyramid.


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