CRUSH is a 4-week series helping students understand what healthy dating & guy-girl relationships really look like.
Looking for Valentine’s Day youth group lessons? These are perfect. In fact, this is a great series to teach in the month of February (but can also be used any time of the year).
Series Overview
Lesson 1: It’s Not Always Easy
Bible Verses: Genesis 1:26-27, 2:18
Big Idea: We were created for relationships.
Lesson 2: It’s Not About You
Bible Verses: Philippians 2:3-4
Big Idea: Dating is about helping others become the people God dreams for them to be.
Lesson 3: It’s Not Just Physical
Bible Verses: Genesis 2:24-25
Big Idea: Dating relationships should be built on trust.
Lesson 4: It’s Not About Now
Bible Verses: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, 11
Big Idea: God’s timing is the best timing.