We wanted to let you know about our newest release…

Believe – This 4-week Christmas series encourages students to have strong faith at Christmastime and beyond. It explores how those who were part of the “Christmas story” exercised extraordinary faith.

Each lesson includes an opening game and provides options to do it online or in-person.

Here’s an overview of the series:

WEEK 1: From Fear to Faith
Bible: Luke 1:26-33; Matthew 1:18-21
Bottom Line: Mary and Joseph chose to believe in the impossible because they trusted God.

WEEK 2: Following in Faith
Bible: Luke 2:16-17
Bottom Line: The shepherds’ faith lead them to where Jesus was born and they shared their story with everyone they met.

WEEK 3: Faith that Leads to Worship
Bible: Matthew 2:11
Bottom Line: The wise men traveled to worship Jesus with their hearts and gifts.

WEEK 4: Believe in Jesus
Bible: John 1:14
Bottom Line: The “Christmas Story” demonstrates how faith is part of the journey to truly knowing Christ.

Go here to view the series.

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