Parent Event Speaker’s Guide for 2018

Are you planning a parent event in your church and need help choosing a speaker?
It’s the most frequently asked question that our friends at Parent Ministry get, so they created speaker’s guide to help you pick the right person.
My friend, Jeremy Lee, wants to tell you a quick story…
I’ll never forget the night that a guest speaker almost got me fired!
We booked the guy a year in advance. I didn’t just invite the students and parents from my church to listen to his presentation, I invited all the churches in the city.
I had probably worked 100 hours to prepare for him to talk for 30 minutes. There was a lot of time, money, effort, and energy invested in the night.
And that dude proceeded to cause havoc in my church.
He decided on the night of my event to use unedited sexually explicit music as part of his presentation. He also shared some stories that were meant to grab everyone’s attention, but were very inappropriate.
All they grabbed were the anger of the parents that were present.
You know it’s bad when your phone starts buzzing with texts from parents before the speaker even says his closing prayer!
I was praying at the end of his presentation as well. It went something like this, “God please don’t let me kill this man.”
You see in his attempt to be cutting edge and cool, that speaker started a fire that took me months to put out.
In 30 minutes he broke the trust that I had worked years to build with parents.
I learned that night that you only book speakers you can trust.
That’s why we put together the 2018 Speaker’s Guide.
Everyone on this list can be trusted. We asked our members to tell us the speakers that they love and trust, and then added some of own own to the list.
I still encourage you to contact the speaker before booking. Just to make sure they’re a good fit for your church’s denomination, values, and beliefs.
We hope this guide will help you get started.
– Nick Diliberto (Ministry to Youth) & Jeremy Lee (Parent Ministry)