What do you do when reality doesn’t match up to your expectations or even what you feel God has for your ministry and life?

Most of us get frustrated, anxious, angry, disappointed, etc.

Instead, do this…

I hope you found this video helpful 🙂

Nick Diliberto, Ministry to Youth


  1. Weatherly Whitener
    • December 29, 2018

    Wow! You live in a very different world than me. I wish I had that kind of personality that I could just let go of the frustration, etc. Nice words in theory and I do think you are correct in that God can either bring us to that peace through prayer or He may be calling you into a different area of serving him and his purpose. I am assuming you are referring to a minimum amount of frustration, aggravation, support, budget or decision making areas. Situations that can be resolved by a phone call or short conversation of communication. Those are easy to “let go of”. Love your posts. Volunteers need all the support they can get since most of us have no formal training/education. Many thanks.

    Reply 1 Response
    1. Nick Diliberto
      • January 1, 2019

      Yes, that line of thinking mostly applies to the day to day stuff. But could also apply to the big stuff as well. However, it is usually much more difficult, longer and more complex process to let go and surrender when life hits you hard.

  2. Brian Barungi Ezra
    • January 7, 2019

    What exactly is letting go?
    Do i stop dealing with a frustrating issue? Do i stop praying about it?
    People seem to say let go but what do youa mean by that?
    Thanks for the ministry

    Reply 1 Response
    1. Nick Diliberto
      • January 7, 2019

      Brian, by all means…YES…pray. Yes…if there is something you can do to fix the situation, do it.

      Letting go means you give up control to God. You surrender the situation to Him. You give up the anxiety, stress, frustration, anger, etc. you’re experiencing to God. You give up the need for life to be just the way you want it in order to be happy, have peace, feel like your life is aligned with God, etc.


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