We recently launched our very first 30-day youth devotional book, helping students spend time with Jesus and abide in him.
Our team has been working behind the scenes on this for months, and we’re so happy to launch it!
Abide is a devotional book (physical product) for the students in your ministry.
In fact, it’s the very first print resource we’ve ever created!
We recommend getting one for each student.
Each day walks through a 4-step process: Refocus, Read, Reflect, Respond.
Refocus: Life is busy, distracting and stressful. Most of us could use some help slowing down our brains and clearing our heads enough to hear God’s voice. Each day of this devotional, we will begin with a short, centering prayer to help us focus our attention on the remarkable reality that God wants to spend time with us.
Read: We believe God is present when we read the Bible, and one of the main ways God’s people have abided in Him throughout history is reading and meditating on His Word. Each day, we will share a short Bible passage for you to read in a variety of ways.
Reflect: When the biblical writers encouraged us to meditate on God’s Word, they were encouraging us to think deeply—or reflect—on the biblical texts. Each day, we will throw out some questions to ponder as we consider: 1) what God is revealing about Himself and His ways, and 2) how it applies to our lives.
Respond: In James 1, we are encouraged to not only hear the word, but also to do what it says. Each day, we will offer a few thoughts on ways you can respond to whatever amazing thing God just said to you.
In our experience, many students struggle with carving out the time to spend time in God’s word daily.
Our prayer is that this resource helps students to slow down & connect with their creator, even if just for a few minutes.
GO HERE to purchase the Abide youth devotional book for your students.