Here’s a free youth group lesson on being lost and found, based on Luke 15. We’ll take a look at the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son (prodigal son).
The big idea: We are all lost before surrendering our lives to Jesus. But once we make the decision to follow Him, we are found.
We’ll explore the following truths found in all 3 parables in Luke 15:
1. Something important is lost and then found.
- You’re important to God.
- You’re lost without Jesus.
- You’re found with Jesus.
2. After what was lost was found, there was a big celebration.
- God celebrates the decision to surrender your life to Jesus and follow him!!
Enjoy the lesson!
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Note: This lesson is not written out word for word like most of the lessons we post online. Instead, it’s written out in outline form.
- Share a story of when you lost something important to you, and then found it. Describe it in detail, explaining how you felt when it was lost and then found.
Reminds me of the three parables in Luke 15.
- Ask: What is a parable? (A made up story helping us understand a spiritual truth)
- All 3 parables teach us the same “truth”. Jesus wanted to make sure we got it!
- Has that happened to you? You have to be told a LOT of times before you get it. I know that is true of me.. ha ha!
Read Parable #1 – Luke 15:3-7
Then Jesus told them a story. He said, “Suppose one of you has 100 sheep and loses one of them. Won’t he leave the 99 in the open country? Won’t he go and look for the one lost sheep until he finds it? When he finds it, he will joyfully put it on his shoulders 6 and go home. Then he will call his friends and neighbors together. He will say, ‘Be joyful with me. I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you, it will be the same in heaven. There will be great joy when one sinner turns away from sin. Yes, there will be more joy than for 99 godly people who do not need to turn away from their sins.
Ask, in your own words, what happened?
Now, as I read the next two parables, look for similarities in all three. We’ll talk about it after.
Read Parable #2 – Luke 15:8-9
“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’
Parable #3 – Paraphrase the parable of the Lost Son
- The son took his father’s money, left home and wasted it all.
- Ended up poor, and got a job feeding pigs
- Realized his father’s servants live better than this.
- Went back to his father to be a servant.
- Father’s reaction was to have a feast and celebrate! My son is home!
Ask, what are some similarities in all three parables?
What’s That to You?
Alright, now let’s look at what we can learn from all three of these parables.
Big Idea #1 Something important is lost and then found (sheep, coin, son)
And here’s what that means to us:
1. You’re important to God!
- Like the sheep, coin & son… you are important to God!
- He loves you
- He wants to be your best friend & the leader of your life.
2. You’re lost without Jesus.
- Like the sheep, coin and son… you’re lost without Jesus.
- We’re all born with a sin wall that separates us from a relationship with God.
- Even though you go to church, read the Bible, or are a good person… you’re still lost without a relationship with God.
3. You’re found with Jesus.
- Like the sheep, coin and son… God chases after you!
- He wants to have a close relationship with you. He wants to be your best friend and the leader of your life. But you have a sin wall that separates you from God.
- So, he sent Jesus to die on the cross.
- When you turn away from sin, ask for forgiveness, and turn towards God… something amazing happens.
- The sin wall between you and God is removed.
- You become forever friends with God.
- He becomes the leader of your life, and shows you how to have the best life possible.
Big Idea #2: A celebration after what was lost is found!
- Like the sheep, coin and son… God celebrates the decision to surrender your life to Jesus and follow him!!
- It brings him joy and happiness.
So, as you leave here today, know that…
We are all lost before surrendering our lives to Jesus. But once we make the decision to follow Him, we are found.
- So, the big question is, have you made the decision to surrender your life to Jesus and follow him?
- Think about that.
- It’s a process for all of us.
- Is that something you have questions about? Ready? Not quite ready?
- Consider allowing time for students to make the decision to surrender their lives to Jesus.
- Or if you prefer, just leave it open and encourage students to come to you, other leaders or their parents when they’re ready to make the decision.
Small Group Questions:
- Have you ever lost something important and then found it? Explain what happened.
- How did you feel when you lost it? How is that like how God feels when he is separated from us?
- How did you feel when you found it? How is that like how God feels when we decide to surrender our lives to Jesus and follow Him?
- Who is your best friend? What do you like about them?
- Do you think God can really be your best friend? Why or why not?
- What does it mean for God to be the leader of your life?
(End lesson)
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ONE YEAR PASS – Save 93% on $1,440 worth of youth ministry lessons, Bible studies, games, events and more. Only available through January 22!
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Zinny Onoh
This is simply amazing. Thank you so much