It can be difficult to focus on eternity when there is so much going on all around us.

Life is tough, plagued by sin and full of pain and heartache, but one thing is certain…

As followers of Jesus, we see things from a different perspective because we know we will spend eternity in heaven.

We have hope, and regardless of what your students will deal with, they should always view the world through the perspective of eternity.

Use this youth group lesson to encourage students to live with a heavenly perspective.

– Nick Diliberto, Ministry to Youth

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Written by Eric Mendoza

Bible: Colossians 3:1-4; Revelation 21:3-4

Bottom line: Live with a heavenly perspective.


  • 4 Dodgeballs (for larger groups, feel free to add more)



Play this game in a large room or gym.

Students will play as individuals, rather than on teams.

Have students choose a place in the room to stand – it can be anywhere.

Have a couple of leaders bring the four dodgeballs to the center of the room.


The object of the game is similar to dodgeball, except there are no teams.

When you hit someone with a ball, that person must take a seat right where they are standing.

You cannot catch the ball; you must try to avoid it altogether.

Even if you catch the ball, you must sit down.

When a thrower picks up the ball, they cannot walk more than 5 steps before they must throw the ball.

Here’s the twist, when you get hit and sit down pay close attention to the person who got you out.

If the person who got you out gets hit, you can now get up and are back in the game.

When you say GO, have a leader throw all of the balls in the air.

When they hit the ground, students will be free to grab them and start throwing.

Play the game as long as you would like because unless one person is able to get everyone else out, there will be no winner.


Say: That game basically had no ending… I was getting tired just watching you guys!

Our life is a lot like that game.

There are going to be moments when we are down and out, but you’re never really out.

When you go through those times I want you to remember to live your life through the perspective of heaven.

If you have placed your faith and trust in Christ, you are going to be in heaven one day.

Therefore, there is no need to live your life through the perspective of this temporary life because there is something far more significant in heaven.

There are some really tough things we are going to deal with in this life – it’s just part of it.

Injustice is a big one.

There will be moments where it feels like people are getting away with everything.

And times when people put you down and make you feel like nothing.

Things will take place that are wrong and unfair.

Remember that in the end, God will make all things right and He has a different perspective than we do.

Let’s look at what the Bible has to say.

Read Colossians 3:1-4.

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

The right perspective is critical.

If you live your life for right now, it’s going to be a struggle to get through difficult moments.

Instead, we should seek out things that are above.

That means we should live with the perspective that God is going to make all things right in heaven.

So only those who are in heaven will get the benefit of what God is going to bless us with for all of eternity.

Our desire should be to share the gospel with all people, so they can live for heaven and have a perspective that extends beyond this world.

We need to be reminded every day to set our mind on what is important and encourage others to do the same.

We belong to God, and one day we will be with him for all eternity.

Christ will make everything right, so we don’t need to expect things to be perfect in a sinful world.

This is challenging because we see eternity, but a lot of other people don’t.

We see sin destroying families and in the life of our friends.

But we can share the hope of Jesus Christ with others.

Life will be hard to see through the perspective of heaven, but God is with you through it all, and He knows exactly how you feel.

Jesus walked this earth as a human and understood what it was like to live in a broken world.

Jesus knew what it was like to be rejected, to be mocked, and falsely accused.

Yet he took it all on, because of the great love He has for you.

God will make it right; therefore you need to look through life with the proper perspective that one day you will be in heaven.

Read Revelation 21:3-4.

“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

It is a wonderful feeling to know that we serve a perfect God who will embrace us in perfect eternity.

He will wipe away every tear, and there will be no more sin or the effects of sin.

Live for God.

Look at this world from the perspective of knowing that this isn’t the end.

This is place is an opportunity for us to bring glory to God.

We serve an amazing God, and He desires to have a relationship with you.

Live with a heavenly perspective.


  1. What is the wrong perspective to look at life from as a follower of Christ?
  2. Do you look at life through the perspective of heaven? Why or why not?
  3. How do you set your mind on things that are above?
  4. How is the life of a Christian hidden in Christ?
  5. What are some ways we focus on this world instead of heaven?
  6. How are you able to show others that you look at life from a different perspective?
  7. What do you look forward to the most in heaven?
  8. What distracts you from keeping your view on things that are above?
  9. Why are we in a position to look at the world from a different perspective?

    End lesson.

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