We asked this question a few weeks ago on our Facebook page:
What’s one of the oldest pieces of ministry advice that still rings true for you today?
We thought it would be a great idea to share some of the top responses.
So, here goes…
This sounds negative but it’s true….”if you’re going to work with teens you need to be able to handle disappointment”. (Said in the context of having to let people make their own decisions even when you know they’re the wrong ones). – Richard Stairs
They don’t care about what you know until they know you care. – Amanda Bond
Change the packaging, never the message – Stephanie Powell
Minister out of the overflow not out of your cup. – Justin Marcantel
Ministry is what you do, not who you are. – Ian Sarginson
Setting Boundaries! Our Senior pastor taught us as young youth pastors, “Don’t counsel young girls alone, don’t drive young girls home alone without your wife and always have accountability.” Young youth pastors today are falling prey to sexual misconduct. – Billy Lawson
If it takes a circus to get them there, it will take a circus to keep them there! Stay true to building relationships and teach the word! – Nichole Huggins
Concerning volunteers… “You don’t own them, use their talent while they are willing and while you can and then wait for God to send replacements. – Marina J Turner
We get caught up in programs and games. We will get involvement with retreats and fun events. But we will never push them forward if we don’t disciple them and teach them the Word of God. – Keith Woolridge Sr.
Consistency. Being consistent even if you have a small group at first. Show up every week, be there, be excited for them to be there. There is a lack of commitment and consistency in the world today! – Dawn Delmark
Hope you feel a little bit wiser now 🙂
– Nick Diliberto, Ministry to Youth
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Sheryl Ellis
The advice I give my volunteers and have to remind myself every time, is that it is not you. IT IS NOT YOU. It is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, especially the Holy Spirit, that will be the teacher/advisor/and mentor if you just let it be. Just get out of the way.
Times change and some things are negotiable: forms. places, colors, … but biblical principles will never be negotiable.
Paul Porter
Do not overlook, underestimate, or neglect the ministry of presence.
Nolan Phillips
Maintain healthy relationship’s with all of your student’s. Don’t play favorite’s.