Here is a free children’s Bible lesson on doing the right thing based on Galatians 6:9-10. 

Big Idea: Do good to everyone and don’t give up!

Includes a fun opening game to set up the lesson.


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Bible:  Galatians 6:9-10

Bottom Line:  Do good to everyone and don’t give up!


  • Assortment of seeds (for about 10 different types of fruits and vegetables)
  • Plastic sandwich bags
  • Photos of what each type of seed will grow into
  • Tape or sticky tack (for putting the photos up on the wall)
  • Optional: Photos of the seeds to hold up


Create a cheat sheet to remind yourself of which type of seed belongs to which fruit or vegetable.

Hang up pictures of each type of fruit or vegetable. Hang them right in a row where all the kids will be able to see them.

Put one seed from each of the plants in a plastic sandwich bag. Repeat this until you have enough bags for each of the children who will be participating.

Give one of the bags to each of the kids.


Say: Today you’re going to participate in the “Guess That Seed” Challenge!

As you can see, we have pictures of a variety of different fruits and vegetables. Let’s name them together as I point at them one by one.

Point to the photos, naming them as you go.

Say: The bags in front of you contain seeds. Your job is going to be to correctly guess which seeds go with which fruits and vegetables!

When I say “go,” I want you to match the seeds to the correct picture by laying them out in order in front of you.

After everyone is finished, I will reveal which seeds go with which pictures. Each correct answer is worth a point, and the person with the most points at the end wins!

Ask: Any questions?

Give them a moment to respond.

Say: Ready. Set. Go!

After the kids have finished attempting to match the seeds to the pictures, say the following:

Say: I will reveal the correct answers in a moment, but first I must ask two things of you:

First, don’t touch your seeds again until we’re all done. If you change the order it will mess up the scores, so just wait until I tell you before touching them again.

Second, please keep track of your own score as we go along. You get one point for each correct answer.

Reveal all of the answers, then see which kid(s) had the best score. If your group is large or you won’t be able to easily show the winning seeds to the children, hold up photos of the seeds.

Say: I hope that was fun for you!

The Bible teaches us that our words and actions are a lot like seeds.

If we want to grow a pumpkin, for example, we need to plant pumpkin seeds. We wouldn’t plant apple seeds if we wanted to grow a pumpkin!

In the same way, if we want to “grow” good things we need to do good things!


Ask: Do any of you have a garden at home?

If so, what kind of plants does your family grow?

Give the kids a chance to answer. If you’ve ever had a garden, consider sharing what kind of plants you’ve grown.

Say: Most plants begin as tiny little seeds, but did you know that not all plants spread their seeds in the same way?

There are some trees, for example, whose seeds can be found in helicopter-like pods so when the seeds fall from the tree they spin through the air and can be carried by the wind.

Other seeds are spread with the help of animals. 

Some seeds, for example, are spread when animals eat fruit and later poop the seeds out somewhere else – gross!

Some seeds are even spread through little explosions! 

The sandbox tree, for example, can be found in tropical areas and spreads its seeds by growing small pods that explode, sending seeds flying in every direction!

God made some really cool plants with some really interesting seeds!

The Bible tells us that the things we do are like seeds. 

Just as in nature, the type of plant that grows is a reflection of the type of seeds that are planted – so we should always want to plant good seeds by doing good things!

Read Galatians 6:9-10.

9 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. 10 Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.

Say: This passage says that we should “do good to all people,” so let’s take a moment and think about some of the people in our lives and how we can do good to them.

First, there’s our family. 

Most of the time we get along with our families, though sometimes we don’t. 

But even when we don’t, we’re still called to do good to them.

Ask: What are some ways you can do good to your parents?

Give them a chance to respond. Share some ideas of your own.

What about your brothers and sisters?

Give them a chance to respond. Share some ideas of your own.

Say: After our family there’s our friends. 

These might be friends we know from school, from sports, or from our neighborhoods.

Ask: What are some ways you can do good to your friends?

Give them a chance to respond. Share some ideas of your own.

Say: We might also feel like we have some enemies, people that have been mean to us in the past or that we just don’t get along with.

Ask: Do you think we’re supposed to do good to them too?

Give them a chance to respond.

Say: We absolutely should do good to them! 

We’re supposed to do good to all people, and that includes our enemies.

Jesus himself did this by dying on the cross to make His enemies into friends!

But if we’re being honest, doing this much good all of the time can be really hard.

We might begin to feel like all of the good we’re doing isn’t making a big enough difference.

Or we might become discouraged if we feel like we’re the only person trying to do good.

That’s one of the reasons the Bible encourages to keep doing good and to never give up!

Our Bible verses today start with this: “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” 

A “harvest” happens when all of the plants a farmer plants are fully grown and the fruit, vegetables, or grains are ready to be picked.

The harvest usually comes a long time after planting the seed, so the farmer has to be patient. 

But once he sees his harvest, he realizes all of the work of planting the seeds was worth it!

In the same way, we should keep planting good seeds now, even though it’s tough.

Why? Because one day, when we’re with Jesus, we’ll see that all of the good things we’ve done in His name were worth it!

(End Lesson)

Looking for children’s ministry curriculum? Check out the…
ONE YEAR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CURRICULUM, VOL 1 – Save 72% on one year of children’s ministry curriculum for 1st-5th grade helping kids fall in love with Jesus and discover what it means to follow him!
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  1. Orininaemi Tekena Gudi
    • September 15, 2024

    Thank you, the topic is inspiring.


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