Here’s a fun game just in time for Valentine’s Day!
Throughout the game, students will choose to either save themselves or help others by sacrificing themselves.
This game is fast-paced and loud, so prepare your leaders for the excitement.
Use this youth group game on Valentine’s Day to remind students that because God loves us, we should love each other.
– Nick Diliberto, Ministry to Youth
Want more Valentine’s Day lessons? Check out…
ONE YEAR CURRICULUM, VOL 3 – Save 78% on one year of NEW Bible studies and teaching curriculum for youth ministry.

Written by Eric Mendoza
Bible: 1 John 4:7; John 3:16
Bottom line: Because God loves us we should love each other.
- 6 Feet of curling ribbon (one per student)
- 1 red balloon (one for each student)
- 1 pink balloon (one for each student)
- Music for dancing (optional)
- 2 Prizes for each round of gameplay (2 boxes of chocolate to keep with the theme).
Cut curling ribbon at 6 ft. lengths.
If time is limited, blow up one red balloon for each student in your group before they arrive.
If your time is not limited, you can choose to have the kids blow up their balloon before the game begins.
Do not use helium.
Say: Welcome to our break a heart/give a heart dance.
You have the option to break someone’s heart (balloon) tonight or give your own heart (balloon) to someone else.
You will be given a ribbon.
You will tie one end of the ribbon to your ankle – tie it in a bow, not in a knot.
It doesn’t matter which ankle you choose; it’s up to you.
Then, you will be given a red and pink balloon.
Blow up the red balloon to normal size – be careful not to over or under inflate.
Ask a leader if the size of your balloon is okay before you tie it off.
At the other end of the ribbon, tie your inflated balloon – almost like it’s a ball and chain on your ankle.
Next, blow up the pink balloon – you will carry it with you throughout the game.
The object of the game is to be the last one standing without having their balloon popped.
The goal is to pop each other’s balloons without having your balloon popped.
Here is where you have the opportunity to give your heart away…
When your balloon is popped, you can choose to keep the pink balloon for yourself, and you tie it on the ribbon where the red balloon used to be.
Or you can be a sweetheart and give your balloon to someone who has run out of balloons; the choice is yours.
The last person standing will win two boxes of chocolates (or another prize of your choice), one is for you, and the other is for your bestie.
I forgot to mention – this is also a dance party.
When the music begins, start breaking hearts… I mean popping balloons.
If you run out of balloons and no one will give you one, that’s okay.
You can still dance and enjoy the party.
Here are a couple of things to remember:
You cannot grab each other.
If a person has stopped and is tying another balloon around their ankle, you must stand at least 5 feet away until they say they are ready.
You can only pop a balloon by jumping on it, and you cannot grab the balloon.
If someone falls, be a lady or a gentleman and help them back up.
Are you ready? Dance!
After the game, take a couple of minutes to have the students clean up the popped balloons and remove the curling ribbon from their ankles.
Say: That was a lot of fun to watch!
Ahhh, February 14th… Valentine’s Day once again means the red roses are pouring out the doors of the florists, the Hallmark cards and heart-shaped boxes of stale chocolates are flying off the shelves, and restaurants are booked weeks in advance – so that people can express their love on this one particular day of the year.
For those with someone special in their life, it is beautiful.
But for those who have yet to find that person it can be painful, often jokingly referred to as S.A D. (Single Awareness Day).
It seems foolish in many ways to put so much emphasis on a specific day to show love to others when we should love one another every day of the year – not wait until the calendar says we should.
It is nice to think and hear about love instead of all the doom and gloom that’s happening in the world… but why DO we focus on this one day?
The history of the holiday is shrouded in mystery; mixed with historical events about men named “Valentine” from Rome or Africa (or somewhere) who were martyred within the 2nd to 4th century.
This was a period marked by civil and religious persecution.
The most familiar story was about a priest in the Catholic Church who ministered during a difficult time in history.
Some stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured.
Another account tells us that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome.
Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage for young men so they could serve in his military without distraction.
In his opinion, single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families.
Valentine chose to ignore Claudius’s decree and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret because he felt the law was unfair.
When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.
While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl — who may have been his jailor’s daughter — who visited him during his confinement.
Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter on a heart-shaped piece of paper, which he signed “From your Valentine,” an expression that is still used today.
Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as a heroic and romantic figure.
During his life, Valentine was bold in he expressed love.
On Valentine’s day, a time all about love, we should remember that God is the author of love in its very purest form.
And He desires that we show this love to everyone around us.
When God sent Jesus to earth to die on the cross for our sins, He showed the world the most amazing example of sacrificial love.
Read John 3:16.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
This verse is repeated so often that we sometimes we recite it out of habit without taking time to understand the meaning.
God sent us a Valentine when He sent Jesus to earth.
God loves you so much, and He sends His love to each of us 365 days of the year – not with chocolates and cards but with His gift of eternal life so that we can be with him forever in His loving Arms.
In the Bible, “love” is mentioned 697 times, so that we can get the message… God loves you!
Read 1 John 4:7.
Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.
You can make this Valentine’s Day special by sharing the same love that God has shown to you to everyone around you.
1. Why is Valentine’s Day such a big deal? Why do we celebrate it?
2. How does God show love to us? Name a few ways that you know God loves you.
3. How do we show love to other Christians?
4. What kind of love did Jesus talk about in the Bible? How did he demonstrate love to those around him?
5. What is the difference between romantic love and biblical love?
6. How do we show love to non-Christians?
7. How can you show the love of God on Valentine’s day?
8. When you read John 3:16, what does it tell you about God’s love?
9. How can the love of God be shown in your relationships?
10. How does it feel to know that God loves you regardless of your sin and sent Jesus to take on your sin?
End lesson.
Want more Valentine’s Day lessons? Check out…
ONE YEAR CURRICULUM, VOL 3 – Save 78% on one year of NEW Bible studies and teaching curriculum for youth ministry.

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Ben Hanik
We call this game Chicken Nugget at our youth group haha
Sounds exciting nice to have engaging lessons
Charles sello manganye
I really enjoyed this
Can you please send me youth materials or programs
My name is charlie