We created a series of youth group lessons on dating.
Each of the four lessons includes a fun opening game, a Bible study, and discussion questions on dating for your youth group.
LOVE – Four youth group lessons on dating, sex and love. If everything we do is an act of worship, how does that apply to dating, sex and love?
While scripture doesn’t have a ton to say specifically about dating, we’ll take a close look at what Jesus says about relationships, God’s design and what love really means in the Bible. We don’t shy away from addressing the tough questions such as, “how far is too far?” and “am I ready to date?”. Students will walk away armed with scripture and a framework for thinking about dating, and ultimately marriage, that will help them sort through the clutter of today’s culture.
For a limited time, you get $116 worth of bonus resources when purchasing this series:
What is Love? – A 3-week teaching series that explores the unending, ongoing, and everlasting love of God.
Mark – This new 4-week small group Bible study explores the life and teachings of Jesus.
20 Indoor Games – A pack of 20 games written especially for indoor use. Each game includes a Biblical lesson on various topics.
20 5-Minute Games – These 20 games require only a few supplies, very little prep time, and are a great way to open a service or an event. Each game includes a Biblical lesson on various topics.
Series Overview:
Week 1: What’s first?
Bible: Matthew 22:36-40, Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2:18, John 15:9
Bottom Line: Staying close to Jesus makes every relationship better.
Week 2: What’s the point?
Bible: 1 Corinthians 10:23-24, Psalm 139:13-14, Ephesians 5:31-32
Bottom Line: The purpose of dating is to lead toward marriage.
Week 3: Who are you?
Bible: 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, Proverbs 1:5
Bottom Line: Dating on purpose means you know who you’re looking for.
Week 4: What do we do?
Bible: Luke 17:5-6
Bottom Line: Dating can be helpful or hurtful.
What’s Included?
- Series artwork for promotional purposes (cover slide and blank text slide)
- Lessons in both Word & PDF format – edit as needed and easily share with volunteers
- Fun opening games
- Creative, relevant teachings
- Engaging small group discussion questions
Want a free sample of our youth group lessons?
Rooted in God’s Word – Psalm 1:1-3; Ecclesiastes 3:11; Romans 1:19-20; 2 Peter 1:3; Romans 10:9-10. Main idea: When you are planted in God’s Word, He will produce growth in your life.
Clean Slate – Bible: Psalm 51:7; Genesis 6:5-22; Genesis 7:2-24; Genesis 8:1-22. Bottom Line: We do not have to carry the burdens of our past failings, sins, and grief throughout our entire lives because God offers us a clean slate.
About Us
My name is Nick Diliberto, and after 15 years of being in full-time ministry I launched Ministry to Youth in 2014.
We save youth ministry leaders time & money by creating year long curriculum, bundles, teaching series, small group series & games.
We save you time because you don’t have to create lessons and games from scratch.
Less time on preparation and planning means more time for everything else, like building relationships with students, volunteers, and parents.
We save you a lot of money with our bundles and one year curriculum, which help stretch your youth ministry budget even further. Take the money you save and re-invest it into other areas of your ministry.
Thanks for stopping by and checking us out.

Susan Carol Imperatrice
Include 1 Thessalonians 4;3-7 in lessons. may help as they leave youth fellowship after graduation!
Teach decrement to the
younger generation
Let them know God’s will
Found throughout however
1 Thessalonians 4 and 5 is a good place to find these
as well as stress to the Roman 13 regarding obey the laws!
Remind them about
Roman 6:23! The scripture does not specify whose death!
Present it to them how would they feel if they killed someone indirectly because of a sin!
I recently had some experiences that brought this to my life. I was active in church and youth fellowship and these are some things that could be helpful for those in youth group as well as the ones who do not have a church home! We all know teens talk! Lets get God’s word out!!!
For Teachers
if you have a teen or preteen or even an adult going through depression or more serious
Have them read
2 Timothy 1:7
Philippians 4:13
Romans 8:28
Out loud several times then suggest meditation on those
Many Blessings
Today and Always
Susan Carol Imperatrice
discernment (second sentence)
sorry for the typo