Father’s Day is coming up on Sunday.
There are students who have experienced nothing but love from their fathers, and there are those whose fathers have abandoned them or have a strained relationship with their dad.
This lesson is created with both in mind.
The big idea: God is the perfect Father and shows us what love truly looks like.
Our hope is that your students really get that God deeply and passionately loves them.
– Nick Diliberto, Ministry to Youth
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Bible: 1 John 3:1-3
Bottom Line: God is the perfect Father and shows us what love truly looks like.
- Cans of shaving cream
- Cocoa puffs cereal
- Hairdresser capes or trash bags with holes cut in them for the ‘bearded contestants’
- Sunglasses or goggles for bearded contestants
- Towels
- Giant Father’s Day card and large markers
- Worship song to play at the end of the lesson
Game Options
For a large group: Choose 4 ‘contestants’ to come forward and then choose 4 partners to help them and use this as an up-front crowd game.
For a smaller group: Divide the youth into pairs and one person will be the ‘bearded one’ and the other will try to throw the cocoa puffs in their ‘beard’.
Be sure to give the bearded contestants a cape (or trash bag with a hole) to protect their clothing and the sunglasses or goggles to protect eyes from the shaving cream.
Have the ‘bearded contestant’ stand a few feet across from their partner with a bowl of cocoa puff cereal.
Next, have an adult make a beard using the shaving cream on each ‘bearded’ contestant.
On the word ‘go’, the partner will toss as many of the puffs as they can in a minute into the beard of their partner.
The bearded contestant with the most puffs wins!
Share a funny story of your own dad.
Say: When I say “Father’s Day” what are the words that come to mind?
Write down what the youth say on the large Father’s Day card. These words will also be a helpful ‘gauge’ of how they are thinking regarding Father’s Day.
After you’ve written down their words, add this word: God.
Father’s Day can be a day in which we honor our dads or other important men in our lives, but it can also be a really tough day for those who have lost their fathers or wish they had a father to celebrate.
It can be easy to forget the most important Dad in our lives.
God, our heavenly Father.
Read 1 John 3: 1-3.
These words might sound simple, but imagine that you are hearing this for the first time.
You are a child of God.
God is your heavenly father.
And he loves you more than you could ever be able to measure.
There are no words big enough to explain how much your Father in heaven loves you.
The lengths that he would go to for you have no limits.
God loves you and you are a child of God.
How does that make you feel?
Give the youth a chance to share their thoughts.
You can see how much God loves you by looking at the cross: God showed his love for you by dying for you.
There is no price he wouldn’t pay for you.
He is the Daddy of all Daddies and you are the love of his life.
Isn’t that amazing?
Share about a time in which you realized the depth of God’s love for you or ask if one of the teens would like to share.
Here is another amazing thing: God, the creator of the universe.
God who spoke the world into existence and created animals and plants and ecosystems… that God loves you.
God delights in you.
And God wants you to know him… God wants to share his thoughts and dreams with you.
See, God is not a distant father.
He doesn’t just want you for a weekend.
He is in this thing with you.
God is never too busy for you.
You are his priority and his every thought is for you.
When you feel alone, unheard or forgotten, God is holding out his arms to you because you are his child.
And that simple fact changes everything.
(Queue worship song)
As this song plays, there is a large Father’s Day card and you can come and write a note to your Heavenly father because if anyone deserves a card on Father’s Day it is your Heavenly Father.
Play worship song.
Have adults ready to be able to pray with those who might find this sharing emotional.
Close with a prayer in which you present the Father’s Day card to God.
- You are a child of God – how does that make you feel?
- How is God like an earthly father and how is God different from an earthly father?
- How do you thi nk it could help people to realize just how much God loves them?
- What do you think God loves about you?
End lesson
Looking for youth ministry curriculum? Check out the…
NEW ONE YEAR YOUTH CURRICULUM, VOL 5 – Save 79% on an in-depth and thoughtfully crafted year-long teaching curriculum for youth ministry, helping students follow Jesus and grow closer to Him.

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Dimakatso Matlou
Thank you so much for such a beautiful heart comforting teaching. I am going to use this lesson.
Tricia Welch
I was very excited to receive this lesson. I will use with my youth tomorrow! It’s great to have a lesson that is adaptable to a wide variety of ages!